My due is close ( in 2 weeks) , instead of feeling like a mother , I feel like a Baby (^^) need to be pampered more (~_~) yet hubby isn't around for awhile & mommy is busy with work all days & attending weddings -- here ,I'm not complaining at all , just a remark ^^ hehe..I know can't be spoiled cuz I'm gonna be a mother soon .
Friday, December 2, 2011
Being a female Aquarian
Reading this , I feel that it really reflects who I am ! Though as I reckon , they talk things quite general in some aspects , still the best Zodiac analysis / description I've ever read :) Strongly recommended ;)
Credited : lovestory/ iPhone app
Your zodiac sign is symbolized by the bearer of the jug of water, you provide the spiritual and intellectual health drink to the society and people around you. And the water has a tendency to flow ahead, so that you are forward looking, and optimistic, and think only in terms of growing inward and outward possession.
You dispense knowledge, advice and even material possessions to those around you, who solicit your help and emotional support. You are the sign of brilliance and creativity, but these are not without the sufferings and sacrifices. You have distinctive, in fact a peculiar character – you are knowledgeable and intelligent yet hesitant to take important decisions or to give your opinion where it counts most. You are quite philanthropist, at least in thought, and have a great sense of humor.
You are tolerant and don’t mind others poking fun at you. You are valuable to the world as you are a giver rather than a taker, you give hope and inspiration. Aquarians are amiable, charming and intuitive, but can get eccentric and unruly at times. They are also slow and shaky starters, taking their own time, but half way through, they might change their mind, irritating those with them. In your love life, you will have really good experiences, but some setback will keep piercing your heart at all times.
Qualities that make you lucky are honesty, truthfulness, innovative, and insightful. Qualities that hinder your success are inconsistency, unusual, rebellious, and cautious.
Aquarians are probably the most individualistic and strong kind of people. Now you can read that as pigheaded and rebellious, but that’s your wish (that’s not to say that being either of these is always a wrong thing). And as is the way of the world, the distinctive and strong in character are the ones followed by one and all; so this is what leaders are made of. Now things are not all rosy and jolly for Aquarians. If I had to describe an Aquarian in the least possible number of words, I won’t classify him as a leader or pioneer, I’d call him a walking bag of contradictions – coz that’s what he most definitely is. They do pioneering work, they go against the tide and try to change how the society thinks about something, yet they themselves find it very hard to change their mind on something once they have made up a notion. So this difficulty in modifying oneself and one’s beliefs becomes more and more noticeable and prominent with maturity; an Aquarian might need a lot of help and encouragement in coming up to prevalent times and practices. However, another important thing that makes them such good leaders is their cool temperament and emotional control – you could not find a person better at taking affirmative action in practically testing circumstances. Also, these guys are really understanding and do not find it very difficult to suffer contravenes of fellows. That is why they make such good friends.
Another enigmatic aspect of their persona is their glamorous yet distant kind of vibe in relationships. They like their freedom and are not very welcoming to change, at least in this department. So, an Aquarian might face a lot many conflicts in his love life, even though he/she might be a terribly romantic person. Aquarian children may seem to be a little too introvert and aloof of the world, but that’s normal, in fact, that’s their thing! Physically, Aquarians may often suffer from circulation-related health issues, so it is really important for them to keep warm in cold weather.
The individuality of an Aquarian might lead you think that they do not make such good friends. But the reality is far from that. Many astrologers will attest to the fact that Aquarians are the best kind of material for making a best friend. They really understand you and have an excellent listening ability. And their best quality is their willingness to help you for simply nothing in return. They don’t help people out of affection, or respect, or pity – it just comes naturally to them, helping someone just seems to be the right thing to do. They have a strong helping, humanitarian character, and most of them actively participate in community service and charity work. A psychoanalyst will tell you that they satisfy their need for self importance by helping others, and being of use to the society. And some of them might go out of their way in doing that. For example, they might help other parents out by taking care of their children. They might teach poor kids and do some kind of community service by joining NGOs. So they make very resourceful, understanding and faithful friends capable of keeping the ties intact for many years. They also have the ability of resuming relationships after a long period of separation, with almost as much warmth.
Aquarians are also known for being assertive and speaking out their mind without any qualms. They suggest ways of making things better and take decisive action in that direction, to the benefit of most friends. This makes them very good members of societies, clubs and associations. They will do a great deal for the group, simply because the impulse of enjoying the camaraderie of people you share a common interest with is too great within you. They will make great presidents and chairmen, and will be looked up to for their impartial and impersonal judgment. They will also make up quite well with the politics and drama of groups, because of their coolheaded nature and impersonal judgment.
The problem that most Aquarians face in friendships is due to their individualism and need for fresh air. They do like to have their freedom jeopardized to any extent, and most of their friends are aware of that fact. For the friends, the best thing to do is to remain at a certain distance until allowed in, and the best thing for the Aquarian to do is to curb such tendencies.
With the glamour and shine you have got, it will not be very difficult for Aquarians to turn strangers into acquaintances and acquaintances into something more. A lot of love and love-making will come your way if you are an Aquarian and you will get the opportunity to enjoy it to the fullest. And my advice to you in this matter would be to grab those opportunities and make use of them to the fullest without any second thoughts, because once you start having those second thoughts and actually sitting down and thinking them through, hard times are bound to come by. Each courtship or relationship ultimately comes to that one question, but in case of you, this relationship is a little too critical.
As I have already said, an Aquarian is really protective of his freedom and way of life. A serious relationship will mean taking that giant leap of giving up one’s normal life for someone else, and learning to make decisions with the ‘we perspective’ instead of the ‘I’. Such a huge commitment will take a huge amount of love and devotion. So most of the time, this scenario just leads to a break up. But still, if the relationship persists, then the partner will have to understand the emotional needs of the Aquarian and mend his/her life and needs accordingly. This is quite difficult even for an Aquarian (remember we talked about Aquarians being very understanding and supportive) – we are talking about partners making peace with the fact that they will never be able to play a part in their companion’s life as big as they’d like to. So the partner requires to be understanding and cool-minded and one with interests that the Aquarian can identify with. The ground truth is that for a relationship to work, having common interests and aspirations is just as important as understand one’s companion. As for the Aquarian, he/she has got a penchant for theatricals, and a great talent at entertaining the companion and making the occasion a very special one for him/her. This will make your love life very colorful and fulfilling.
Aquarians are the most faithful and devoted of all in a marriage, except for the fact that they might have a few problems in accepting the new sort of life that the marriage will have to offer. Aquarians are not at all possessive and in no consider their spouse to be an object to be owned. So they are cool with any sort of jealousy-related issues. This is because they have a great amount of respect and adoration for their loved ones, and respect their values, emotions and moral standards eve tough they might not approve of them.
Aquarians find it hard to give up their individuality in the marriage. They find it hard to let of their identity for a greater cause. For example, when the Aquarian wife becomes a mother, she might find it hard to give up her profession and career and get involved in tending the kids for the first few years, without any bitterness. Even if she accepts to do it, she might just be waiting for the child to become old enough to go to school so that she can rebuild her career. Not that this is a bad thing, but the thing is that parenting is not something that can be done with a feeling of obligation. This is not so much of an issue of the Aquarian husband turning into a father, because fathers do not so much have to end their careers for tending the baby. But he actually might be the odd one to step up and take the responsibility of tending the child in order to give his wife the opportunity to continue.
Aquarians probably make the best parents, it sort of comes to them naturally, at least some aspects of it. They do not find it difficult in any way to stimulate and create interest in their children and stir them to be involved in some sort of group activity. The home will be a place of really interesting conversation, and not just noises from the TV or the Videogame. But the stagnant set of beliefs that Aquarians possess can prove to be a serious setback. It might be really difficult for the parents to acknowledge the generation gap and act sensibly.
The individuality I keep saying the Aquarians try to protect in personal and professional spheres is not for nothing; actually it reflects a very lovely trait of theirs. They are known for their distinctive mark – the originality and difference they bring about to their work. These people first make sure they know what is expected from them in any task before actually taking up that task. Then they go about their work in a distinctive way. It’s not that they have no respect for the rules; they just wanna do things their way, without any intervention. So the superiors need to stay away from their area and not worry about the quality of output, because it will be assuredly top notch. They are very reliable and will give each task their most, unless you stick your head in and tell them it’s not the way to do it.
Generally speaking, Aquarians are not too involved in petty organizational politics and quarrels. If they are ill-treated, they rise above personal battle and try to resolve issues with their flair and ability. If they have a promotion or increment coming their way, they accept it with poise and the confidence that they can take up the added responsibility. So whatever might be a situation, they have the ability of not get distracted and go about their work in a simple and straightforward fashion. To add to this, they have a great amount of resilience. They can practically work all day. The only thing is that they will prefer taking a coffee break or doing nothing at all in stead of doing something that they consider to be a waste of time, a petty formality.
All these qualities make Aquarians stand out in a crowd – their dedication, their concentration, and above all their different and sometimes peculiar way of working. These things come very naturally to them, so they get noticed by superiors without actually realizing it.
Credited : lovestory/ iPhone app
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
My favorite foods
It has been very hard for me to decide on what I want to eat as my appetite isn't stable. It's good that I'm not the type of eating much when I'm single so my shape remains cool . However it isn't good when I still don't feel like eating anything when I'm already 27weeks pregnant. So far I've only gained 7kg for my almost 7months pregnancy , this is a serious concern. Though I regularly take vitamins & drink juices , I believe my little baby inside needs wide rang of other vitamins too . So I come up with idea of viewing pictures of foods to help me burn passion to eat & find my appetite back. Sadly, not everything in these pic that I can eat-- some of them are pregnancy prohibitions - But it's ok :) it's not hard for me to abstain from eating :) the only hardest thing I find myself very very hard to abstain is Coffee Latte :'( so it's picture isn't included here cuz it's too painful to look at.
Collecting pictures of foods has been my interest & it attempts to be for personal use only as most of the pic I took here are taken by phone-camera.The reason I start taking photo of foods because I want to remember what foods are tasty , freaky,& nightmare haha.. These photos also tell the date & place I see or eat those foods -- ah! Thanks to the new technology of iPhone ^^ this is cool & convenient.
Today I'm too free so I decide to share all these pictures with friends in case they also need help to boast their appetites ^^ also show them my great efforts of collecting all these so far ^^ Enjoy it !!
Monday, August 22, 2011
ធុញណាស់..មិនចង់ផឹកសោះ ..លេបមិនចូល
មុនមានផ្ទៃពោះ ផឹកធម្មតា តែឥលូវ ធមតែក្លិនមិនបាន..ចង់ Ack .
តែថ្ងៃ ខ្លះលួចអត់ផឹកដែរ ព្រោះដាក់មិនចូល
ជ័យយោ! អោយតែប្រឹងប្រែងច្បាស់ជាមានលទ្ធផល..
លទ្ធផលនៃការផឹកទឹកដោះគោនេះ គឺមាន២
ថ្ងៃខ្លះផឹកហើយ ក្អូតមកវិញអស់ (T_T)
ថ្ងៃខ្លះផឹកហើយ ស្រួលខ្លួន:)
Saturday, August 6, 2011
អ្វីដែលសំខាន់ តើបុគ្គលនោះអង្្សុកផ្លូវកាយ ឬ ផ្លូវចិត្ត
បើគ្រាន់តែអង្្សុកផ្លូវកាយ ងាយព្យាបាលណាស់ គឺគួររកអ្វីធ្វើ ឬ ទៅកំសាន្តនៅកន្លែងណាមួយ ជួបមិត្តភ័ក្ត ជជែកពីនេះពីនោះ..
តែបើអង្សុកផ្លូវចិត្តវិញ ទោះទៅកន្លែងណាស្អាតយ៉ាងណា សប្បាយយ៉ាងណា ជួបមនុស្សច្រើនយ៉ាងណា ក៏នៅតែមានអារម្មណ៍ថាអង្សុក ចូលមិនចុះ មិនស៊ីុចង្វាក់.. និយាយរួមនេះមិនខុសពីជំងឺមានអារម្មណ៍ឯកោរនោះទេ
តែនៅតែមានវិធីព្យាបាល .. តាមបទពិសោធន៍របស់ខ្ញុំ ដំណោះស្រាយគឺ រាប់អានមិត្តថ្មី ជាមនុស្សដែលមានអ្វីមួយធ្វើយើងចាប់អារម្មណ៍ keep us interested & want to find out. មួយទៀត គឺ មាន surprise ពីមនុស្សដែលខ្លួនស្រលាញ់ ឬ យកចិត្តទុកដាក់បំផុត អាចជាព័ត៌មានល្អ កម្មវិធីពិសេស តែនោះទាល់តែជាអ្វីដែលនឹកស្មានមិនដល់បំផុត ឬ រៀបចំដោយល្អិតល្អន់ឥតខ្ចោះ ទើបអាចកន្ទ្រាក់អារម្មណ៍អ្នកអង្សុកផ្លូវចិត្តបាន.
ដំណោះស្រាយចុងក្រោយ និង សំខាន់បំផុត គឺ ខ្លួនឯង បុគ្គលនោះត្រូវមានការតាំងចិត្តព្យាយាមប្រយុទ្ធនឹងភាពអង្សុក នេះដោយស្ម័គ្រចិត្ត បើកទូលាយបេះដូង និង សុតិដ្ឋនិយម ។
Monday, August 1, 2011
Traveling & dinning info in Cambodia
angkor airways 32 Norodom Blvd., Tel: 023 222 056
Bangkok airways 61A Street 214, Tel: 023 722 545
China airlines 32 Norodom Blvd., Tel: 023 222 393
Dragon air 168 Monireth Blvd, Tel: 023 424 300, pnh.res@
eva air 298 Mao Tse Tung Blvd., Tel: 023 219 911
Jet Star asia 333B Monivong Blvd., Tel: 023 220 909
Korean air F3-R03, 254 Monivong Blvd. Tel: 023 224 047/8
lao airlines 58C Sihanouk Blvd., Tel: 023 216 563
Malaysia airlines 172 Monivong Blvd., Tel: 023 218 923
Siem Reap airways 61A Street 214, Tel: 023 722 545
Silk air 313 Sisowath Quay (Himawari Hotel), Tel: 023 426 808
Thai airways 294 Mao Tse Tung Blvd., Tel: 023 214 359
Vietnam airlines 41 Street 214, Tel: 023 363 396.
Battambang la Villa 185 Pom Romchek 5, Tel: 017 411 880 / 053 730 151, lavilla.battambang@gmail. com, Beautifully restored 1930s colonial house with six rooms is the premium hotel in the country's second city and with an excel-lent kitchen and bar.
Riverside Balcony Bar & Restaurant West bank of river, Tel: 012 437 421 Traditional wooden house with great views of the river and good food, ideal for a sun-set cocktail lounging over the river. Open Tuesday to Sunday from 4pm to 11pm.
Kampot Bar Red Old Market area, Tel: 092 724 720 Restaurant and bar in close to the river, just around the corner from Bokor Moun-
tain Lodge, is a good spot for a late night drink with personable host Steve, or to try some Indian food including their gargan-tuan samosas. Open from 6pm to late.
Blissful Guest House Kampot, Tel: 012 513 024, 092 494 331 Small guest house, with 11 rooms, set in a quiet part of town with downstairs restaurant and bar, and communal TV room upstairs.
Bokor Mountain lodge Riverfront, Kampot, Tel: 033 932 314, 017 712 062. Beautiful French colonial building situated on riverfront with well-fitted air-conditioned rooms. Has a good restaurant and bar.
epic arts Café Old Market, Kampot Employing deaf staff, this café next to the old market has a good range of bagels, shakes, brownies and coffee. Is also the centre for the community arts programme. Open from 7am to 6pm.
Jasmine House 25 Riverside Road, Kampot, Tel: 012 927 313 Run by the friendly Jasmine and her husband Mark, this café/restaurant is a stylish oasis on the Kampot riverfront. Tasty Thai, Khmer & café fare, also has photography decorating the walls.
les Manguiers 2km north of Kampot, Tel: 092 330 050 Small resort with bungalows and rooms set in beautiful gardens overlooking the river with a restaurant which has daily changing, freshly prepared food.
Mea Culpa 44 Sovansokar, Kampot, Tel: 012 504 769 Accommodation established by the former manager of Bokor Mountain Lodge set in the French Quarter. Six rooms have air con, hot water, DVD and TV. The large garden has a patio pizzeria and bar.
Nataya Coral Bay Resort Prek Ampil, Kampot, Tel: 016 226 471, 012 902 823. Only 16km from Kampot, this top-end hideaway comes complete with eight beachfront bungalows, a 25m infinity pool, a 2km private beach, stilt huts off a 300m pier, and simply oodles of relaxation.
Rikitikitavi Riverfront, Kampot, Tel: 012 274 820, 012 235 102, Western food served in large portions in this river-facing restaurant, bar and three-room guesthouse. A more upmarket venue for Kampot, the upstairs seating affords great sunset views. Restaurant and bar open 7 days a week.
Rusty Keyhole Riverfront. Kampot This British pub is the place for expats to chew the fat over a pint. Friendly British owner has recreated the atmosphere of a rural pub in outer Kampot, or at least as close as it gets. The ribs remain as good as ever. Open 8.30am to midnight.
Kep The Beach House Opp. Kep Beach, Tel: 012 712 750 Small hotel with pool in an excellent location, directly opposite Kep's mermaid statue. Relaxed café, and tasteful western-style rooms all with sea view. Can organise trips to nearby Rabbit Island or further afield to Bokor Mountain.
hotel & travel
Listings Breezes Route 33, Kep, Tel: 097 675 9072 Situated on the main coast road about halfway between Kep Beach and the ferry to Rabbit Island, this stylish restaurant and lounge is located right by the sea in a green, wooded area. The food is a fusion of Asian and western with a focus on small dishes with plenty of seafood. Free pick-up and return to Kep hotels.
Champey inn Resort Tel: 012 501 742 Sea-fronted resort with fan-cooled bungalows. Has a swimming pool, a restaurant, a bar and a pleasant garden.
Knai Bang Chatt Resort Tel: 017 917 452, Exclusive seaside resort just along from the crab stalls, which has opened up its doors to the public. Elegant swimming pool, air-con, gym, library and fantastic gardens, this resort is the ideal place to get away from Phnom Penh. Good restaurant with fantastic views of the sea. Check for special offers. Also has a Sailing Club next door with bar and restaurant, as well as Hoby Cats.
le Bout du Monde Kep, Tel: 011 964 181 Individual and separate bungalows in tradi-tional Khmer architecture located at a top of a hill with good views and nice gardens. Serves French and Khmer cuisine. Rooms have hot water, mini-bar, fan and safe.
Veranda Natural Resort Tel: 033 399 035, 012 888 619, Traditional wooden bungalows set in the hillside. Settle down for the night and listen to the jungle purr. Has a good restaurant and bar with some quite stunning sweeping views down to the coast.
Phnom Penh – Deluxe amanjaya 1 Sisowath Quay, Tel: 023 214 747 Large hotel with a great central location along the riverfront. The rooms are spa-cious and well-equipped with tasteful Khmer decorations. The downstairs restaurant doubles up as the air-con K West bar.
Cambodiana 313 Sisowath Quay, Tel: 023 426 288 Great riverside location with spectacular sweeping views of the confluence of three rivers. Large rooms with air-con, in-room safes and good bathrooms. Live band plays nightly (except Mondays) from 8.15pm to late.
Himawari 313 Sisowath Quay, Tel: 023 214 555 The 115 beautifully-designed suites have air-con, cable TV, IDD, Internet, in-room safes and large bathrooms. Nice swim-ming pool and good gym facilities as well as two good tennis courts.
imperial Garden Hotel 315 Sisowath Quay, Tel: 023 219 991 Large hotel and villa complex next to the Cambodiana. Has a swimming pool, gym and tennis court.
intercontinental 296 Mao Tse Tung, Tel: 023 424 888 One of Phnom Penh's most luxurious 5-star hotels, the 346 air-con rooms have all the expected facilities including in-room safes and king size beds. Also has a large swimming pool, a Clark Hatch Fitness Centre, spa and beauty salon.
Raffles Hotel le Royal Street 92, Tel: 023 981 888 Emanates the same class as its more famous namesake in Singapore. The Elephant Bar is a popular expat haunt during the 4pm to 8pm happy hour. Beautiful gardens with a separate swim-ming pool for kids plus reasonably priced apartments for long stays.
Sofitel Phnom Penh Phokeethra 28 Old August Site, Sothearos Blvd., Tel: 023 999 200, Set riverside amongst landscaped gar-dens this 12-storey colonial style hotel is close to key attractions, embassies and the central business district. Along with 201 luxurious rooms and suites with Mekong or Bassac river views, are chic restaurants and bars, an upscale spa, two swimming pools, a sports club and the finest conferencing facilities in Cambodia.
Sunway Hotel 1 Street 92, Tel: 023 430 333, Luxurious international four-star hotel located close to Wat Phnom with 138 well-sized rooms, spa, good business centre and meeting facilities.
Phnom Penh – Mid asia Club 456 Monivong Blvd., Tel: 023 721 766 An oasis of water and green in the city, the five bungalows and four rooms with air-con and bath, large safe and flatscreen tv. The beautiful swimming pool is tucked around the back of Man Han Lou Restau-rant and you can have drinks and food delivered from Man Han Lou Restaurant.
almond Hotel 128F Sothearos Blvd.Tel: 023 220 822 56-room hotel located close to the Royal Palace and the riverfront with spacious rooms with WiFi. Downstairs restaurant serves dim sum and Cantonese food. Also has a spa.
anise 2C Street 278, Tel: 023 222 522, Small hotel with well-fitted, good size rooms, all equipped with air-con, in-room safe and hot water. Downstairs restaurant serves good Asian cuisine.
Blue lime 42 Street 19z (off Street 19), Tel: 023 222 260 Centrally-located mini-hotel with a great swimming pool and contemporary rooms is a good flashpacker option.
Bougainvillier 277G Sisowath Quay, Tel: 023 220 528 Elegant, riverfront restaurant using gour-met homemade ingredients, specialising in foie gras, with plus a regularly changing specials board and excellent French wines. Three course set. lunches are also avail-able. Open from 6am to 11pm.
Circa 51 155 Street 51, Phnom Penh, Tel: 012 585 714. Combining a retro design vibe with both modern and traditional touches, this boutique hotel promises to deliver stylish exclusivity a short walk away from the capital's main action. All rooms come with A/C, flat screen TV and DVD player, iPod docking, mini-bar and writing desk.
fCC Phnom Penh 362 Sisowath Quay, Tel: 012 253 222 Phnom Penh's landmark restaurant has seven rooms with balconies offering views
of the river. Each is individually designed and meticulously outfitted with high-speed Internet access and the latest mod cons.
Goldiana 10-12 Street 282, Tel: 023 219 558 Extremely popular hotel for visiting NGO workers due to its close proximity to NGO-land and reasonable prices.
Hotel Nine 48 Street 9, Tel: 023 215 964, www. Australian-run smart and comfortable bou-tique hotel close to Psar Kap Ko. Plunge pool and high walls provide an oasis feel.
Hotel Cara 18 Street 47 & 84, Tel: 023 430 066 / 023 998 422,, Just north of Wat Phnom, this stylish bou-tique hotel has well-fitted rooms at very rea-sonable rates and a great sushi restaurant.
Kabiki 22 Street 264, Tel: 023 222 290 First hotel in Cambodia dedicated to families and children, with two salt-water pools designed with children in mind. The rooms have a double bed and a bunk bed as well as a small outside area for small children.
lebiz Hotel & library 79F Street 128, Tel: 023 998 608/610,, Luxury accommodation with a competi-tive edge and sleek modern design offers a full range of specialty services tailored to business needs, and cutting-edge technology to maximise comfort and productivity. Has unique library.
Paddy Rice 213-217 Sisowath Quay, Tel: 023 990 321, Former Hope and Anchor has newly refurbished rooms with solar hot water, cable TV, air conditioning, WiFi and great views of the river from its balconies. Downstairs restaurant offers full western and Asian cuisine, and sports bar shows all popular live sports.
River 108 2 Street 108, Tel: 023 218 785, Art deco hotel aimed at the flashpacker set, the river view rooms are extremely comfortable with flat screen TV and sepa-rate bathroom and toilet. Efficient WiFi, good working space and spacious rooms make this the perfect business option.
The Pavilion 227 Street 19, Tel: 023 222 280 Beautiful boutique hotel set in a colonial build-ing with large, unique rooms, each with either a small balcony or garden. Outdoor swimming pool, free WiFi and a small poolside restaurant.
The Quay Sisowath Quay, Tel: 023 224 894 Five-storey, 16-room riverside boutique hotel has beautiful contemporary rooms designed by Gary Fell. The stand-out features are the roof-top jacuzzi and the very contemporary ground-floor bar and Chow Restaurant with WiFi.
Queen Boutique Hotel 49A Street 214, Tel: 023 211 683, Boutique hotel located conveniently close to all the major attractions including the Royal Palace and National Museum.
The Villa Paradiso 27 Street 222 corner Street 51, Tel: 023 213 720, The Villa Paradiso is a great addition to the scene, with ten uniquely designed and beau-tifully furnished rooms, ranging in style from Balinese, thought Japanese to the modern.
Phnom Penh - Budget Blue Dog Guest House 13 Street 51, Tel: 012 658 075 Small guesthouse close to the Golden Mile with cheap upstairs rooms, some with A/C. Khmer art gallery on ground floor, features artwork by owner. Has ground-floor restaurant.
California 2 79 Sisowath Quay, Tel: 077 503 144 New guest house and bar on the river-front with well-priced rooms with air con and security box. Downstairs bar has great Tex-Mex food and pool table.
lotus House 13 Street 258, Tel: 023 500 0485, Centrally located near the Royal Palace and the riverside, this guesthouse offers full A/C and rooms with hot showers for a reasonable price. Also includes an Indian restaurant.
feeling Home Cnr. Streets 278 & 63, Tel: 023 221 522, Stylish nine-room boutique hotel with ample rooms at competitive rates, including flatscreen TV, air-con, security box and great beds. Also has two apart-ments, an Asian restaurant and a Café Sentiment coffee house.
l'imprevu Highway 1, 7km past Monivong Bridge Tel: 024 390 405 Complex with twenty-four bungalows just outside of Phnom Penh. Tennis courts and excellent swimming pool make this a good break from the city.
le Rit's 71 Street 240, Tel: 023-213-160, Small & charming 6-room guesthouse with spacious rooms is managed by NYEMO NGO, part of its hospitality training. Rooms equipped with queen sized bed, cable TV, private bathroom. The restaurant has a Eu-ropean set lunch menu and serves authentic Khmer food a la carte for diner.
Tonle Sap Guest House 4-6 Street 104, Tel: 023 986 722 Clean, well-kept guesthouse upstairs with 15 rooms, with air-con, fans, hot water, cable TV. Downstairs Pickled Par-rot bar open 24 hours.
Sihanoukville Holy Cow Ekareach Street, Tel: 012 478 510 Beautiful restaurant set in a relaxing garden environment on the main street, with terra-cotta terrace downstairs and wooden dining area upstairs. Competitively-priced, good cuisine including vegetarian options. Open daily from 9.30am to 11:00pm.
independence Hotel Independence Beach,Tel: 012 728 090 Beautifully restored hotel on Indepen-dence Beach, originally opened in 1963, reopened in 2007 following a complete refurbishment. Has beautiful infinity pool and sweeping ocean views from most rooms. Also has a gym, conference rooms and circular restaurant.
luna d'autunno Ekareach Street, Tel: 034 934 280 Best Italian restaurant in Sihanoukville, serves a similar menu to the one in Phnom Penh, but with a heavier emphasis on seafood. The beautiful roof-top terrace and interior air-con restaurant are both open for lunch and dinner.
Reef Resort Road to Serendipity Beach, Tel: 012 315 338, Guesthouse set around a beautiful pool with well apportioned air-con rooms, in-room safe and cable TV, family rooms also available. Has a welcoming bar with excellent TV screen, slate pool table and excellent Mexican cuisine.
Scuba Nation Lane off road to Serendipity Beach Tel: 012 604 680, 012 715 785 Five-star PADI centre offering daily trips to the area's many islands and reefs including the decent dive sites at Koh Rung Samloem and Koh Kon, also runs a range of PADI-certified courses, and has an office in Phnom Penh.
Sokha Beach Resort Sokha Beach, Tel: 034 935 999 With its own private beach, excellent swimming pool and fine restaurants, Sokha is the most up-market place to stay in Sihanoukville. A live Filipino band plays around the cocktail bar at night.
Zoco Independence Hotel, Road to Serendipity Beach Two fashion boutiques – one on the way to Serendipity Beach, the other in Independence Hotel – run by the Spanish-born Nuria, sells dresses, skirts, bags and accessories.
Travel Cambodia Uncovered 11B Street 370, Tel: 012 507 097 Offers village and cultural tours in Phnom Penh and surrounds including road trips, Mekong cruises, accommodation, cooking classes and other activities.
exotissimo Travel No. 66, Norodom Blvd, Tel: 023 218 948 , Excellent French-owned agency specialising in adventure tourism, flight bookings, package holidays and a range of tours of Southeast Asia.
Helicopters Cambodia 10 Street 310, Tel: 012 814 500/ www. Over 12 years experience operating in the Kingdom offers scenic flights around the Temples of Angkor and beyond. Is a wholly owned subsidiary of Helicopters New Zealand Group.
intrepid Travel 468 Sivutha Blvd., Tel: 063 966 655 For travellers with a yearning to get off the beaten track, Intrepid opens up a whole new world of adventure travel. With a huge variety of tours available.
Travel indochina 43-44EO Street 108, Tel: 023 991 978 Australian-owned and managed travel company specialising in small group journeys around Asia that can tailor trips for individuals.
credited : asialifeguide/# 55
Saturday, April 9, 2011
to own iPad 2 is so hard !!
My honey and I were thinking that we would buy 2nd Generation iPad for my mom & his dad as the gifts for new year. However things are not as easy as thought , we've been asking a friend in US to buy only one iPad and it turned out to be mission impossible. He earnestly complained to us that there is long queue in front of Apple store and once he tried to get up early to queue at 6am , the ipad2 all ran out of the store. we really appreciate his effort and we feel sorry for him that he had to work very hard just to plainly help us on this.
anyway , I now got to learn from the Apple Hot News that iPad 2 Arrives in 25 More Countries in Mar 23, 2011 and will be available in Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and additional countries in April.
Maybe I try to get one in Seoul :)
Hope it worths expectation.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
so the world is warmer ??
The Time , issued on March 28 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Music : Awaken the World 2

Maybe she knows I love this kind of music performance .

I love that picture of Violin , so i took photo with it as part of great memories.
The theme of this Music Performance is Awaken of the World 2.
I also been to Awaken of the World Part 1 too .
the whole performance is overally amazing & beautiful .
Looking forwards to the part 3 .
What women really want?
A report that has shocked some and confirmed the suspicions of others suggests Western women are more determined than ever to bag a partner who will improve their final financial prospects.
Despite years of campaigning for equality and advances made by the fairer sex in the workplace, most women prefer to marry a man who earn more money than they do and would stay at home to look after the children if they could afford it, according to a new survey published by the London School of Economics.
Female aspirations to marry a man who is better educated and commands a higher salary than themselves persist in most European countries, according the report’s author, Catherine Hakim, a senior research fellow in sociology. No stranger to controversy, Hakim last year coined the neologism “erotic capital”- a combination of physical and social attractiveness – to describe the key professional attribute of our times.
The sociologist has also claimed that more women are choosing to “marry up” by picking wealthy men as their spouses than in the 1940s.
credited : Southeast Asia Globe , Feb 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Human Right at Risk
(Mary Lawlor is executive director of Front Line , the international Foundation for the protection of Human Rights Defenders, based in Ireland )
Plan to introduce new Legislation requiring NGOs to register with the Cambodian government before they can commence operation could disrupt the defense of human right
Around the world, the space for human rights defenders is shrinking as repressive governments harass, intimidate and attack them as they peruse their vision of a better world based on human rights for all. A recent trend has been for governments to introduce restrictive registration practices to sink civil society in a sea of bureaucracy and stifle the spirit of dissent.
Front Line Believes NGO staff working as key agents of social change depend on the support of their communities and the general public, which, in turn, is based on trust. To hold that trust, human rights defenders and the organization must be seen to operate in an open and transparent way. Equally, governments are within their rights in seeking to regulate the voluntary sector. However, increasingly we see repressive governments using the language of transparency and accountability to introduce restrictive legislation, the primary purpose of which is to limit the capacity of civil society to challenge such governments and hold them accountable for their misdeeds.
In October 2009, the United Nation’s Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Margaret Sekaggya (Uganda) , called on states to do away with laws that required NGOs to register before they could operate.
She was concerned states were increasingly using security and counter-terrorism laws or more “subtle means,” such as the judiciary and public administration, to restrict, disrupt and in some cases “ completely eliminate” the work of civil society.
Cambodia is the latest in a long list of repressive governments seeking to introduce such legislation, a list that now includes Russia, Sundan, Saudi Arabia, China, Belarus and Iran. The draft legislation currently before the parliament of Cambodia proposes to introduce compulsory registration for all NGOs before they can carry out any public activities. The registration process would impose a severe administrative burden on human rights organizations, especially small grassroots groups and informal community networks. Human rights defenders fear the vaguely worded provision of the law would be used to harass and intimidate them. This is Consistent with the international trend of governments seeking to discredit and criminalize the legitimate work of civil society.
While this draft law would have a significant negative effect on the work of domestic NGOs , it also impose on the international NGOs the condition of “collaboration with government ministries in the planning , monitoring, implementation and evaluation of their project ”. It is feared the existence of this vaguely worded provision will effectively give the government the power to veto over any NGO activity.”
Front Line is concerned that that if this legislation is passed in its present form, we will see a pattern of repression emerging in Cambodia whereby the process of registration is made so difficult that genuine human rights defenders will be unable to register their organization and can then be prosecuted for failing to register if they continue their work unofficially.
Under the international law , NGOs are guaranteed the right to Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Association . It is their legal right to campaign for the protection and promotion of human rights and, while the state has an obligation to prevent criminal activity, such concerns are already adequately addressed under existing legislation. The inescapable conclusion is that the purpose of this legislation is to block the legitimate work of civil society. Front Line has addressed its concerns to the government and is calling for the review process to be extended so these concerns can be addressed in collaboration with NGOs. There has already been significant erosion of freedom of expression in Cambodia over the last year, a trend that can only be exacerbated by this unnecessary and oppressive piece of legislation.
Credited : Southeast Asia Globe,Feb 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Found the sites of Online photo editor
so I was a bit crazy over it..
While editing these photo , Honey come and said "Honey ! Do you have a lot much free time ?"
I simply replied "I'm smart so don't need lots of time to do this"
honey said " Then you should spare some more time on ironing my clothes , and arranging my books.. & learning how to cook " and I said "NO!" (T_T) hehe..
Well, i'm not the type of person who love my picture so much, it just happens occasionally that i like to create sth new and fresh for good feeling..
because i usually see this kind of edited photo posted aroud in some website , and I used to be curious how they design it to be like this & I like to dig up what to know
and i found this site
it's online photo editing , it's good place to retouch the photo we love and have fun once in a while (^^)
when i'm bored @ office

When i can't think of anything to write or i run out of idea , I like to play with my laptop / desktop ..and touch my hair
When I feel stressful i like to go to Newsroom so called " Peaceful Island" named by me :D
there is quiet/peaceful.. and have loads of newspapers to read and have people to talk to ..

I like to make a thoughtful expression, like i am now thinking about sth very serious/ or useful..though sometimes sth like that really pop up my mind by doing this .

drinking coffee in the morning after breakfast can keep me active a whole day.
I only drink Latte without sugar , while Honey drink Americano without sugar (impressive! though a bit concern about his health )
I know i gotta quit drinking it when m preparing to have baby :)

Whenever i feel down at work or ran out of idea, i also i can chat online with Honey as his Google account is online a whole time..
i can share him my problems and obstacles , and he usually says things to encourage me , or help me to find solutions :)
He is not just Honey , but also a good consultant & teacher..
so far all his advices help me to make my days .